Thứ Bảy, 17 tháng 12, 2011

How to Flash Samsung Galaxy TAB P1010 WIFI Firmware using ODIN

Here's a step by step procedure on how to flash the Samsung Galaxy TAB P1010 WIFI device.

Warning: This is not advisable to beginners who doesn't have any knowledge about firmware version. TABS firmware comes from different versions according to Country, Region and Carrier providers.  You will messed up your phone if you will flash it with a wrong firmware which is not comes or match to your device.
You are warned, proceed at your own risk! this is for advance users only. We are not liable any problems happens to your device.

Before you proceed prepare the necessary things to do as follows:
- Create a sync to backup all your personal data, like: Contacts, Messages, Applications, Pictures and Videos, because you will lose after the update.
- Make sure that the battery as its peak level to ensure stability and avoid failure issues.
-Close all softwares, such as KIES suite, Antivirus, firewalls, to prevent the possible conflicts;

-Prepare a personal computer or laptop with Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7, and of course you must to deactivate the antivirus from your computer and you must to have administrator access, to be able to download and install the drivers ;

Prepare the tools you need in this process.:
 Samsung Galaxy Tab Downloader program

Samsung P1010 Galaxy Tab WIFI Original Firmwares
P1010XWKB5 - P1010XWKB6 - P1010XWKC1-OXX - P1010XWKB8
 Or Download the latest firmware updates

- Samsung Galaxy Tab WiFi P1010 USB cable;

Flashing the Samsung Galaxy TAB P1010 Firmware Procedures:

1. Extract and Run the ODIN Downloader tool.
Samsung galaxy S ODIN flashing 01

2. Check the AUTO REBOOT and RESET TIME checkbox.

Samsung galaxy S ODIN flashing 02
3. Select the PIT/PDA/CSC files in Odin
Insert the desired files on each field.
  1. Click PIT button and select: p1wifi_20110128_r10_00.pit
  2. Click PDA button and select: P1010xxxxx-REV03-ALL-low-CL946441.tar.md5
  3. Click CSC button and select: GT-P1010-MULTI-CSC-Oxxxxx.tar.md5
Samsung galaxy S ODIN flashing 03

4. Set the device into DOWNLOAD MODE
Turn the phone into the download mode by pressing and holding VolumeDown+Home+Power at the same time.You will eventually see a picture like the one below with black Android robot digging within a  triangle.
Samsung galaxy S ODIN flashing 04

5. Connect the Device to PC using the DATA cable
Connect your phone with your computer and wait until the drivers are installed.
Make sure the ID:COM box highlighted yellow to know that the handset is connected to the PC properly.
If you still do not get any results, try another USB port on your computer.
Samsung galaxy S ODIN flashing 05

6. Enter the Device into Firmware Downloading process
 When the drivers are installed and all binary files needed is ready, Click Start Button. Finally you must to wait until the Samsung Galaxy Tab WiFi P1010 update process is complete (you will receive after 3-5 minutes a green Pass box)..
Samsung galaxy S ODIN flashing 06
The phone will be flashed and once it’s finished, it will boot up.Do NOT disconnect the usb-cable, remove the battery or otherwise interrupt this process!
But if you do not see a blue progress bar on your phone after 5 minute, take out your phones battery, unplug your phone and start from step 1 again.

7. Handset reboots when flash or download completes
Once you see the message "PASS", you have successfully flashed the phone.

Samsung galaxy S ODIN flashing 07
To check if you have successfully update your device enter the following code: *#1234#.
Also, you may know that you can clear your cache, simply using the following full reset code: *2767*3855#.

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