Thứ Bảy, 22 tháng 10, 2011

Samsung Galaxy SL I9003 XXKP9 Android 2.3.4 Gingerbread ODIN Stock ROM Firmware Update is here!

After the latest update of 2.3.4 Gingerbread I9003XXKP7 beta version which reportedly has a "sleep mode" bug problem  issues, here comes another  Android 2.3.4 Gingerbread update Stock ROM for Samsung Galaxy SL I9003. We hope this one carry the fixes from the previous leaked beta version (we don't know yet).  This is built for Europe version of Galaxy S SL I9003 only.
Region: Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Switzerland, UK,
Available languages: de, en, es, fr, it, nl, pt, tr,
Note: this information might not be fully correct

Packaged details:
PIT: latona_20110114.pit
Bootloader: APBOOT_I9003XXKP9_CL309731_REV08_eng_mid_ship
PDA: CODE_I9003XXKP9_CL309731_REV08_eng_mid_ship.tar.md5 
MODEM: MODEM_I9003XXKP9_REV_00_CL1027275.tar.md5
CSC: GT-I9003-CSC-MULTI-OXAKP9.tar.md5

The new update can now be available for download at , they manage to expose the said leaked firmware update. It 's labeled  I9003XXKP9 with a build date of June 21 2011.

Please Note: this is only a leaked Stock ROM release. So, if you are not sure and not familiar with firmwares for your Samsung Galaxy S SL I9003, just wait for it via KIES update.  If you wanted to give a risk and try it out, you can grab a copy on the link below:
if there is a password try:

We will give it a try on our Galaxy S SL I9003 and then update this post for any improvements, bug fixes, functionality or any problem issues.

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